Transmitter Manager
Product Description
1. 4-digit 7-segment LED display
2. Add / Delete or display specific transmitter
3. Maximum: 255 users
4. EEPROM copy for data backup
5. For RX-3302E2/4, CS-04R2, CS-04R4

Product Character
TX-Man is a transmitter manager and a tool with 4-digit 7-segment LED display so that it can add, delete any specific transmitter from system’s non-volatile memory on RX-3302E2 RF module or on CS-04R2/R4 up to 255 users. It can also show if any specific slot of the EEPROM is vacant or occupied. Moreover, it can show the transmitter enroll number if it has been learned earlier.
A copy of EEPROM can also be done for the purpose of data backup.
Two options for TX-Man offers:
- Option 1: Full set
(RX-3302 RF module is included and module selection switch is included)
If there is the possibility to program EEPROM on TX-Man separately, then full set is recommended.
- Option 2: Simple set
(RX-3302 RF module is excluded and there is no switch for module selection)